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Clients & Community
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Defender Dialogues
Our community storytelling event is chance for public defenders and community members alike to share stories and call attention to the injustices of our criminal justice system.

Hosted by WBOK’s Oliver Thomas, the event has grown into a powerful call for criminal justice reform and an end to mass incarceration.
Second Line for Equal Justice
Year after year, social justice advocates, criminal justice warriors, community members, and stakeholders gather together to rally in support of public defense and equal justice in New Orleans.

Doing what New Orleanians do best, we secondline through the streets and call on our leaders to prioritize public defense funding and criminal justice reform.
Muni at the Mission
When we saw too many clients with outstanding warrants for missed court dates and unpaid fines and fees, we went to work spearheading a pilot program to bring Municipal Court to the homeless shelter.

Many of our clients are homeless or facing debilitating addiction and mental health issues and feared being arrested because they couldn’t pay the fines and fees that had compounded.

The program has helped hundreds of clients absolve tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for community service and a fresh start.

Check out  Muni at the Mission  featured in season 1 of 'Unprisoned' at WWNO

Together with the Juror Project and New Orleans Councilmember Jason Williams, OPD has launched a Know Your Rights Community Forum series. Through presentation, discussion and an active role-playing scenario, the series will outline the criminal justice system and people's rights within it from stop and search, to arrest and first appearance.

The ongoing series will partner will City Councilmembers and their districts throughout New Orleans. The event is free and open to the public. For more information and future dates: visit the Facebook event page.

The most recent event partnered with District C’s Kristin Giselson Palmer at the Algiers Regional Library and saw our largest participation yet.

If you'd like to host a Know Your Rights event with your organization or community, please reach out to Lindsey Hortenstine, .



Stay informed and know your rights in court, on the streets, in school, in your car and beyond.

Your Rights to an Attorney:

know your rights thumb new

ACLU’s Guide to What to do if You’re Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents, or the FBI:

ACLU Know your rights cover

LCCR’s Guide to Curfew Stops

KYR Curfew Hours LCCR

Other resources:

ACLU of Louisiana: https://www.laaclu.org

Voice of the Experienced: https://www.vote-nola.org

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DDB award presentation to Susan Guidry 640x489
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