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Terms of Use

Orleans Public Defenders, OPD (“The Company“, “us”, “we”, or “our”) operates the http://www.opdla.org website (the “Service”).

This section covers the terms and conditions outlining the rules and regulations for the use of Orleans Public Defender's Website.

Orleans Public Defenders is located at:

2601 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119

By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions in full. Do not continue to use Orleans Public Defender’s website if you do not accept all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and any or all Agreements: “Client”, “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person accessing this website and accepting the Company’s terms and conditions. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”, refers to Orleans Public Defenders.  Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalisation and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.


We employ the use of cookies on this website. By using Orleans Public Defender’s website you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with Orleans Public Defender’s privacy policy located at https://www.opdla.org/terms#privacy.

Cookies enable us to retrieve user details for each visit and provide traffic and demographic information about our online users. Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting.


Unless otherwise stated, Orleans Public Defender and/or it’s licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on Orleans Public Defender. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view and/or print pages from http://www.opdla.org for your own personal use subject to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.

You must not:

  • Republish material from http://www.opdla.org
  • Sell, rent or sub-license material from http://www.opdla.org
  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from http://www.opdla.org
  • Redistribute content from Orleans Public Defender (unless content is specifically made for redistribution).
  • No use of Orleans Public Defender’s logo or other artwork will be allowed for linking absent a trademark license agreement.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right at any time and in its sole discretion to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our Web site. You agree to immediately remove all links to our Web site upon such request. We also reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and its linking policy at any time. By continuing to link to our Web site, you agree to be bound to and abide by these linking terms and conditions.

Removal of links from our website

If you find any link on our Web site or any linked web site objectionable for any reason, you may contact us about this. We will consider requests to remove links but will have no obligation to do so or to respond directly to you.

While we strive to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on the website is kept up to date.

Content Liability

We shall have no responsibility or liability for any content appearing on your Web site. You agree to indemnify and defend us against all claims arising out of or based upon your Website. No link(s) may appear on any page on your Web site or within any context containing content or materials that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation of, any third party rights.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website (including, without limitation, any warranties implied by law in respect of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and/or the use of reasonable care and skill). Nothing in this disclaimer will:

  • limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
  • limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
  • limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or
  • exclude any of our or your liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer or in relation to the subject matter of this disclaimer, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort(including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty.

To the extent that the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.


Privacy Policy

This section informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that data.

We use your data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, accessible from http://www.opdla.org/terms

Information Collection And Use

We collect several different types of information for various purposes to provide and improve our Service to you.

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Data”). Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:

    • Email address
    • First name and last name
    • Cookies and Usage Data
    • Any data required by Paypal, for fulfillment of donations or campaign pledges. Please note that information such as credit card numbers, address and phone numbers which are needed for credit card validation are not kept on the OPD site after payment is complete.

By providing your contact information to our site’s subscriber service, you agree to allow OPD to communicate with you via email outreach. If at any point you choose to opt-out of receiving communication from OPD, you may do so by clicking the “unsubscribe” link provided at the bottom of every email.

Usage Data

We may also collect information how the Service is accessed and used (“Usage Data”). This Usage Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

Tracking & Cookies Data

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Service and hold certain information.

Cookies are files with small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. Tracking technologies also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze our Service.

You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.

Examples of Cookies we use:

    • Session Cookies. We use Session Cookies to operate our Service. 
    • Preference Cookies. We use Preference Cookies to remember your preferences and various settings. 
    • Security Cookies. We use Security Cookies for security purposes.Use of Data

OPD uses the collected data for various purposes:

    • To provide and maintain the Service
    • To notify you about changes to our Service
    • To allow you to participate in interactive features of our Service when you choose to do so
    • To provide customer care and support
    • To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service
    • To monitor the usage of the Service
    • To detect, prevent and address technical issues

Transfer Of Data

Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction.

If you are located outside United States and choose to provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including Personal Data, to United States and process it there.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer.

OPD will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

Orleans Public Defenders may disclose your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

    • To comply with a legal obligation
    • To protect and defend the rights or property of Orleans Public Defenders
    • To prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service
    • To protect the personal safety of users of the Service or the public
    • To protect against legal liability

Security Of Data

The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Service Providers

We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service (“Service Providers”), to provide the Service on our behalf, to perform Service-related services or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.


We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Service. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

You can opt-out of having made your activity on the Service available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity.

For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en

Links To Other Sites

Our Service may contain links to other sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every site you visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.

Children’s Privacy

Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 18 (“Children”).

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your Children has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

We will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the “effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy.

You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

By email:

This document was last updated: June 24, 2019

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The material found on this web site is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered to be legal advice and is not guaranteed to be complete or up to date. Use of this web site is not intended to create, nor constitute, an attorney-client relationship between the user and Orleans Public Defenders (OPD) or any of the OPD's attorneys. Readers should not rely upon or act upon this information without seeking professional counsel. See full disclaimer. Terms of Use - Privacy Policy Site development by OpenStretch Consulting

© 2013 - 2025 Orleans Public Defenders. All Rights Reserved.