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Gideon 50 Years Later in New Orleans: A Symposium

Join us at Tulane Law School, Friday, September 6 as local and national experts explore the history and future of indigent defense reform, community-oriented defense practice, mass incarceration and sentencing reform.

The symposium is free and open to the public. Registration is needed. For more information and to register contact Lindsey Hortenstine at .

OPD Gideon Symposium 2.2


District Attorney's New Twenty Defendant Indictment Strains OPD Resources and Threatens Justice

Yesterday, the district attorney handed down another sweeping indictment, this time 20 co-defendants. This comes on the heels of the previous 15 co-defendant indictment a month ago. Court proceedings in that case are at a standstill as many of those defendants have yet to receive representation.

The Orleans Public Defenders Office simply doesn't have the adequate resources after sustaining millions of dollars in cuts over the past two years. As OPD previously warned, should all 20 of the new defendants qualify for (and request) a public defender, many may not have attorneys when proceedings begin unless they have money for private counsel. The New Orleans criminal justice system will be hard-pressed to move these cases toward resolution – if they move at all.

US Supreme Court Fails the Sixth Amendent

Thoughts from Chief Defender Derwyn Bunton

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial ... and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense," the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Recently the United States Supreme Court dismissed the case of Louisiana v. Boyer by a vote of 5-4. The case involved one of the most basic rights of due process – the above's right to a speedy trial and the effective assistance of counsel. At issue in Boyer was whether a state's failure to fund his counsel for five years should be weighed against the state for speedy trial purposes.

Fifty years after the landmark Gideon v. Wainwright ruling, the goal of equal justice under the law – embodied in the right to counsel – remains elusive at best. The Sixth Amendment right to counsel is jeopardized by a United States criminal justice system so lacking in funding for public defense that lawyers in public defender offices often qualify for public benefits. Ours is a system where public defenders (working a second job) encounter their clients while delivering pizza to them.

While the state of public defense funding is troubling in New Orleans, it is not a problem unique to New Orleans. Public defender offices across the state and country face increasing budget shortfalls and insufficient resources. Additionally, public defender caseloads regularly exceed professional and national standards for ethical representation. Neglecting the importance of adequately funded public defenders threatens the credibility and reliability of our criminal justice system, evidenced by 873 known exonerations between 1989 and 2012.

U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said last year across the country, "public defender offices ... are underfunded and understaffed. Too often, when legal representation is available to the poor, it's rendered less effective by insufficient resources, overwhelming caseloads and inadequate oversight."

District Attorney's Fifteen Defendant Indictment Exposes OPD's Lack of Adequate Resources, Jeopardizing the Case

New Orleans – Yesterday, the district attorney handed down a 15 co-defendant indictment. The unprecedented number of group prosecutions is consistent with the Mayor's new Group Violence Reduction Strategy (GVRS). While the initiative is a commendable effort to address the city's violence, it stresses an already strained public defense office and criminal justice system.

Prosecuting so many people at once creates ethical conflicts in their defense. After sustaining millions of dollars in cuts over the past two years, the Orleans Public Defenders Office (OPD) simply does not have adequate resources to handle all charged. Many of the defendants may not have attorneys when proceedings begin unless they have money for private counsel.

Mayor Landrieu spoke about justice and fairness in his press conference this morning. But justice and fairness can only be served if all agencies are able to contribute to the discussion and able to handle the outcome of the initiatives. The GVRS strategy is placing great strain on our office and resources. Additionally, failing to include and consult OPD in developing or implementing the GVRS threatens to weaken or ruin the impact of GVRS efforts.

Read More in our Press Release

Gideon v. Wainwright, Fifty Years Later

Fifty years ago, the United States Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case, Gideon v. Wainwright, the right to a lawyer is fundamental, essential to a fair trial and cannot be denied. Moreover, the right means everyone is entitled to effective representation. The Orleans Public Defenders Office (OPD) strives each day to provide our clients zealous legal representation, breathing life into this constitutional guarantee.

It is hard to believe that within many of our lifetimes, legal representation was not a guarantee. This guarantee is often taken for granted today. Should we? Has the promise of full access to counsel, to justice really been fulfilled?

Restriction of Services Deja Vu

2013 began with an all-too familiar scenario: budget cuts and shortfalls. OPD once again found itself short of necessary funding to provide constitutionally-mandated legal defense for indigent defendants. Although OPD was included in the city's 2013 budget, the $400,000 appropriation cut, along with decreases in state funding and unstable revenue sources, hinder our ability to keep up with the growing demands of our criminal justice system.

While the Restriction of Services Plan this year will not be as drastic as 2012, it will cause delays in the courts and potential constitutional crises for the nearly 25,000 indigent defendants served by our office.

OPD represents over 80% of defendants in Criminal District court, most of the defendants in Municipal Court and many in Traffic Court. Hiring freezes, attorney shortages, rising caseloads and service restrictions are slowing case processing time, affecting the quality of service and jeopardizing the integrity of court proceedings, particularly in conflict representation and Municipal Court, both severely understaffed.

Attorney caseloads throughout all divisions are quickly rising beyond the state standards; most attorneys already exceed state standards. While the return of conflict representation in the Conflict Division in July 2012 was much-needed, its reduced capacity is not enough to adequately and ethically keep up with the demand. The situation in Municipal Court is also especially urgent as those attorneys are already above manageable levels.

While we are thrilled about our newly-created in-house Capital Division, we have been forced to slash the division's budget. As a consequence, OPD will not be in a position to handle any increase in capital prosecutions this fiscal year.

OPD continues to advocate for adequate and stable funding for public defense. The growing funding crisis compromises OPD's ability to provide constitutionally-mandated legal services, brings higher costs in our criminal justice system, and ultimately puts public safety at risk. We continue working with our partners and stakeholders in the hopes these service restrictions do not have to continue.

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