Public defenders request the release of all non-violent offenders in jail due to coronavirus


The Lens, March 12, 2020 - In the midst of a rising number of coronavirus cases in Louisiana, the Orleans Parish Public Defenders are asking the Criminal District Court to immediately release from jail people being held on non-violent offenses and ensure inmates and detainees are safe.

“Today, as the number of COVID-19 cases rise in New Orleans, we are asking our criminal legal system leaders to take immediate action to limit the spread of the virus and the potential catastrophic effects on our community and clients in jail and out,” they said in a statement.

They are also requesting that “the Probation and Parole Department immediately lift probation and parole holds for people with non-violent charges; The New Orleans Police Department begin issuing summonses, in lieu of arrest, for all nonviolent offenses; and Criminal District Court, Juvenile and Municipal Court reset all out-of-custody cases at least 30 days to limit exposure and risks to our vulnerable in custody clients and our staff.”

The statement expressed concern over the safety of prisoners, as well as staff members.

“Our priority is the health and safety of our clients, many of whom are older or have compromised immune systems. We are also concerned for the safety of our staff, who work in the courts, in the jails and in the community every day.”

Read the full article at The Lens, here

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