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Sara Jones Named Inaugural Ben Levick Sullivan Investigator Fellow

OPD is proud to announce the inaugural Ben Levick Sullivan Investigator Fellow, Sara Jones. After a nationwide search and hundreds of applicants, Sara was overwhelming chosen to establish the fellowship and further OPD's mission to give every client zealous, client centered representation.

Sara spent the last two years as a client services coordinator and AmeriCorps volunteer for the St. Bernard Project (SBP). She has worked with care and dedication with numerous low income and vulnerable populations throughout the New Orleans area. While at SBP, Sara helped clients navigate the system to return to their homes and connected clients to counseling and substance abuse programs. Recognizing the need for high quality legal representation and advocacy, Sara is eager to contribute to OPD's mission and Ben's legacy as the first Ben Levick Sullivan fellow.

The Ben Levick Sullivan Investigator Fellowship was created in memory of Benjamin Levick Sullivan. Ben came to OPD with the first class of post-Katrina intern investigators in 2007. He fell in love with OPD, its clients, New Orleans, and his committed and talented colleagues. He returned as a staff investigator, then as a law clerk, and it was his ambition to return as a staff attorney. Tragically, during his second year at Tulane Law School, he died in an automobile accident. In his memory, his family began a fund to establish an investigator fellowship at OPD to carry on the vital work Ben accomplished with so much joy and dedication. The fellowship both honors Ben's legacy and meets critical needs to ensure every case is fully investigated.

Earlier this year, Ben's family and OPD hosted a fundraising event for the fellowship. It was a wonderful evening in memory of Ben highlighted by food from Café Reconcile, jazz music from the Messy Cookers (led by OPD's own Benny Amon), and the announcement of the Clyde Merritt Award recipients (Nicole Heisser and Emily Beasley). OPD would like to thank Ben's family -- Sandra Levick, John Sullivan and Sarah Sullivan -- and all that have donated for creating and supporting the fellowship.




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