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NO to HB 586! Protect Public Defense in Louisiana

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The Louisiana legislative session has begun and a newly-introduced bill looks to drastically change the entire landscape for public defense in Louisiana, threatening access to and the quality of legal representation for hundreds of thousands of Louisianans. 

NO ON HB 586!

HB 586 completely eliminates the Louisiana Public Defender Board and vests all power over public defense in one governor appointee. The bill does not provide for more resources for public defense, nor does it address the flawed and broken user-pay funding structure. This bill would undue years of post-Katrina reforms designed to ensure standards and oversight to protect poor people. 

This radical legislation was introduced with zero input from impacted communities or public defender leaders throughout the state. 

HB 586 destroys local control and input regarding representation for the poor and overwhelmingly Black and Brown people who depend on the service. By abolishing the Louisiana Public Defender Board, it essentially destroys avenues for community and professional input on public defense.

In its place, it creates a patronage structure, with a single person - wholly beholden to the Governor - in control. HB 586 would create a public defender system unlike anything anywhere in the country. Rather than learn from systems, like those in Texas, Florida, California and others that provide better resources, professional representation, and don’t rely on user-pay justice, HB 586 creates an unnecessary, new, and unaccountable State government position.

HB 586 will be heard Wednesday, April 28 in the House Administration of Criminal Justice. 

We ask you to speak out and tell legislators to OPPOSE HB 586.

Please take a moment to submit a RED CARD by emailing the following legislators and staff with VOTE NO ON HB 586 in the subject. 


This bill MUST NOT be allowed to progress further. The stakes are too high. Equal justice depends on it. 

armstrong park
60 minutes
IMG 1376

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